Work Package 3 will be used to control all project management, dissemination and exploitation activities within the consortium. The project management activity will also monitor the opportunities for dissemination of the project results to the European Research Area and the wider community.
Project Management will consist of a Scientific Coordinator (Dr. Benjamin Woods), a Project Officer (Sophie Spence) and legal and financial personnel; with additional support from the University Research and Enterprise Development (RED) centre. The project management personnel will provide efficient support to ensure the successful completion of the SABRE project.
University of Bristol as Coordinator will develop project reporting templates for official communications to the EC. The project manager will be responsible for notifying due dates of the reporting to the partners and will ensure the diffusion and collection of partners’ contributions through the Steering Committee before submission to EC representatives.
The partners in the consortium will place great emphasis on the dissemination of information generated by the consortium. This will be done through the normal channels of workshops, leaflets, newsletters, booklets, technical papers and conference presentations. All publications will be green or gold open access and acknowledge the project, other partners and the funding from the EU. In addition the project management supplied by University of Bristol will develop a website that will contain details relating to the project, background information on the topic, links to partners, papers and may contain links to any other related activities.