SABRE marches on during COVID-19 Pandemic!

Like so many things across the globe, work on the SABRE project has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. All of the SABRE partners (based in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy) have experienced long periods of lockdown since early to mid-March 2020 and the entire project team has had to work from home. This has affected our experimental work in the lab and also our analysis and simulation work, and has been a challenging time for the project.

This has not, however, stopped us from forging ahead with our vision of making helicopters more environmentally friendly. The partners have adapted their research plans and methods to working from home, with design and simulation work carrying on. We are working hard to get ready for the lab re-openings so that they can proceed to build our experimental demonstrators to show the viability of our morphing concepts. We are continuously adapting to the changing work environment as our partners start to get access back into labs and offices. Indeed, being adaptive is what we are all about!

Our newest recruit to the project Jun Wu (who is working on the Active Tendon concept) said: “During the lockdown, the researchers are able to focus more on modelling, simulation and preparation for the experimental validation after the reopening of the university laboratories, which makes them feel good and optimistic about SABRE’s future even with the COVID-19 situation.”